
Training and building a comprehensive strategy of the administrative team for the project to attract the public

Training and building a comprehensive strategy of the administrative team for the project to attract the public;

Training and exchange of experience of external experts (conductors, composers, accompanists) through a workshop in Oslo and a workshop in Sofia;

Training of children and young people at a choir camp and a subsequent concert tour in the country and a concert broadcast via televsion.

Training and building a comprehensive strategy of the administrative team for the project to attract the public; A strategy for attracting a new audience in the field of singing and choral art was developed under the project BGCULTURE-2.001-0029-C01 “Bulgaria-Norway sing!” implemented with the financial support of the RA14 program “Cultural entrepreneurship, heritage and cooperation”, FINANCIAL MECHANISM OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA 2014-2021.

The main highlights of the team’s training and strategy development were: Reviewing strategic documents to map a path forward for the lead organization Darby Foundation and its partner (CULTURE BREAK BORDERS – CBB), helping them create competitive advantages , to implement specific measures and by choosing the most appropriate methods and techniques to attract and develop new audiences;

Situational analysis in the study of audiences and plan for sustainable development;

The goal – to upgrade and develop the skills and experience of the partners through a series of integrated measures and activities, which they will fulfill with quality, modern and attractive content for international audiences.