First Bulgarian children’s choir – in Chiprovsko. The first Bulgarian secular school – the one in Chiprovtsi, opened as far back as 1624. It only interrupted work during the years of the uprising and the subsequent devastation of Chiprovsko.
The Bulgarians who emigrated from across the Danube continued their education in Banat, and those who settled again in Chiprovtsi, together with the restoration of the city, reopened their school.
The educational work before the uprising was not only school-based – the missionaries, priests and prominent citizens made every effort to educate the children and introduce them to European ideas and development.
Choral music is one of the most ancient musical forms and has been widely practiced in Christianity since the early Middle Ages.
In Western Europe, with the advent of the Renaissance and the Reformation, the bright presence of composers who individually wrote choral music and developed this art outside the churches also began.