New SAMHSA Guide Highlights HIV Prevention and Treatment for People with Substance Use and or Mental Disorders

Without access to lifesaving HIV medication provided by HRSA-supported AIDS Drug Assistance Programs, HIV medication could cost an individual more than $40,000 per year, putting it otherwise out of reach. HRSA supports critical HIV care and medication in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. The chances are greatly reduced, however, […]

iv drug use and hiv

Without access to lifesaving HIV medication provided by HRSA-supported AIDS Drug Assistance Programs, HIV medication could cost an individual more than $40,000 per year, putting it otherwise out of reach. HRSA supports critical HIV care and medication in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. The chances are greatly reduced, however, by taking effective HIV drugs (antiretroviral therapy) throughout pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Other steps you can take to protect your baby include giving your baby anti-HIV medicine after birth and opting for a C-section delivery if lab tests show the levels of virus in your body are high. Any of the supplies for preparing drugs for injection — syringes, bottle caps, spoons, or containers — could transmit the virus if someone with HIV used it first. Again, effective antiretroviral therapy in the HIV-infected partner will reduce the chances of passing HIV.

  • If you have had a recent exposure—such as unprotected sex with a partner of unknown status—these early signs and symptoms strongly suggest the need for immediate HIV testing.
  • The second generalization that can be made is that there is wide variation in the percentage of drug users that reported AIDS risk reduction in the different studies.
  • Effective HIV drugs (antiretroviral therapy) will greatly reduce the chances that an HIV-infected person can give HIV to their partner in this way.
  • Future research should leverage respondent-driven sampling, or other sampling approaches used to reach and estimate the size of historically hidden populations without a known sampling frame [37, 38].

How Can You Prevent Getting or Transmitting HIV from Injection Drug Use?

Of the 17 states that reported data, the highest estimate was provided by New York, followed by California and Texas. Ten states reported that their estimates were based on indirect measures or indicators. Three states reported that only guesstimates were used; four states indicated they used a combination of methods. Adding the state-plan estimates for the other 33 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia produces an estimated total of 1,447,000 IV drug users.

Intravenous Injection

Although consistently higher seroprevalence rates have been found among minority IV drug users, more complete interpretations of the data raise questions about factors that may differentially predispose minorities to HIV infection. In some studies (e.g., Marmor et al., 1987b), racial and ethnic differences do not retain statistical significance after controlling for drug use and needle-sharing. However, in the study of IV drug users from San Francisco, both blacks and Latinos were found to have a greater prevalence of HIV infection than whites, a finding that persisted after adjusting for reported needle-sharing (Chaisson et al., 1987b).

iv drug use and hiv


A social structure that supports male dominance may make it difficult for women to propose behavioral changes (to say „no“ to sex, to use condoms, or to refrain from certain types of sex). Women who are financially dependent on men or who exchange sex for money or other necessities of life may face the dilemma of choosing between economic survival and unsafe sex (Worth, 1988). HRSA’s Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program provides a comprehensive system of HIV primary medical care, medication, and needed support services to more than 560,000 people with HIV who have low incomes. In 2022, 89.6 percent of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program clients receiving medical care were virally suppressed, compared to 69.5 percent in 2010. Future research should leverage respondent-driven sampling, or other sampling approaches used to reach and estimate the size of historically hidden populations without a known sampling frame [37, 38]. Estimating the size of the PWID population would allow for better programmatic planning to address the HIV and other health needs of PWID in Rwanda.

NSEP is a widely used public health innovation which issignificantly reducing contaminated needle distribution, but the relationship between NSEPand the incidence of HIV is controversial. Only heroin agonist pharmacotherapy isavailable for treating heroin addiction in MAT, despite other substance such as cocaineand amphetamine being injectable. In this paper, we describe the epidemiology, presentation, diagnosis and management of infections in IDUs who may present to acute physicians iv drug use and the management of drug dependency on acute medical wards. In many jurisdictions, people who inject drugs can get sterile needles and syringes through syringe services programs. Find out more about these programs and how federal funds can be used to support certain parts of SSPs in some communities. Also needed are methodological studies of how to obtain better self-reported information and how to determine when a particular subject is not providing valid data.

iv drug use and hiv

iv drug use and hiv

The third generalization concerning risk reduction among IV drug users is an apparently counterintuitive and synergistic relationship between „safer“ injection programs and drug treatment to reduce or eliminate injection behavior. The common assumption that providing the means for safer injection will encourage drug use and undermine drug treatment is contradicted by the data collected to date. The Amsterdam syringe exchange program has been collecting data longer than any other program; its results clearly show that syringe exchange has not encouraged drug use.

iv drug use and hiv

diagnosis, treatment and care…

The screening test was Alere HIV Combo-Determine (Alere, Inc, Waltham, MA), and the confirmatory test was HIV1/2 STAT-PAK (Medford, NY, USA). Participants with a prior documented HIV diagnosis in a health facility were not retested. Participants who were newly found to be living with HIV were referred to a healthcare facility to initiate antiretroviral treatment (ART) and for further medical management. Participants also received information on centers providing substance use disorder treatment in Rwanda.

Dutra et al. reviewed psychosocial interventions for substance use disorders andconcluded that psychosocial interventions have low-moderate to high-moderate treatmenteffect for illicit drugs30. Carroll and Onken reviewed the literature and found support for behavioral andpharmacological treatment effects on drug abuse, and that combinations of behavioral andpharmacological treatments have better potency than either one alone31. Two randomized clinical trials found that the Holistic Harm Reduction Program withbehavioral therapy reduced HIV risk behaviors and improved adherence to medical treatmentamong intravenous drug users32,33. Participants were asked the age at which they first injected drugs, the drug they first injected, source of the drug, and whether they shared needles during their first drug injection.

However, because of the very strict definition of AIDS that has been established for surveillance purposes, it is thought that the number of reported cases underestimates the size of the problem. Still, Hardy and coworkers (1987) have suggested that an additional 13 percent of deaths among IV drug users were related to HIV but did not meet the CDC criteria for AIDS. The number of non-AIDS deaths among IV drug users in New York City increased from 257 in 1978 to 1,607 in 1985 (Des Jarlais et al., 1988b). This increase is presumed to reflect fatal consequences of HIV infection that did not meet the CDC surveillance definition for AIDS, including infections from nonopportunistic pathogens (see Table 3-4). The use of multiple drugs and increased cocaine consumption have made the description of drug-use patterns quite difficult (Fishburne et al., 1980; Johnston et al., 1981; Bray et al., 1982; B. D. Johnson and Goldstein, 1984).

  • These data included information on prior treatment and the use of primary, secondary, and tertiary drugs of abuse, as well as client demographic data.
  • Drug and alcohol use can make it hard to take HIV medicines every day.People with HIV take a combination of HIV medicines (called an HIV treatment regimen) every day to stay healthy.
  • But the CDC says no cases have been reported of someone getting the virus this way.
  • Finally, mechanisms to improve collaboration and coordination among those seeking solutions will be required for effective action.
  • Most studies on IV drug use have investigated the injection of heroin; much less is known about the injection of cocaine or other drugs.

Several researchers have attempted to collect data from probability samples of the street population (Des Jarlais et al., 1985; McAuliffe et al., 1987). An important element of being able to conduct such studies is the identification of „major copping“ (i.e., active drug sales) areas and systematic mapping of drug-related activity. However, there may be variation by geographic area that will continue to limit the capacity to generalize these findings beyond the local population. As noted earlier, there is an important exception to the lack of risk reduction in sexual behavior. Prostitutes have shown a willingness to use condoms with clients, although they report safer sexual practices less often in the context of personal relationships. In large cities, “shooting galleries“ have flourished as communal injection sites, often in apartments or abandoned buildings.